Physical development in early childhood relates to the growth and development of the body. It also focuses on how the brain, muscles, and senses grow. This physical growth is responsible for a wide range of skills necessary for daily functions of the body and children's ability to do different tasks. During the early childhood years, young children engage in active development and significant changes happen from birth to age five as that is when the most growth takes place. Physical development is responsible for this rapid growth as young children are natural explorers during this developmental stage. While there are noticeable physical changes, there are other changes taking place. Improved skills are usually proof that growth is taking place. It is important to support young children's physical growth and development by providing opportunities for being active and healthy.
(Photo Credit: RichVintage/istockphotos)
Physical Developmental theories provide a framework for thinking about human growth. Having an understanding of how young children grow and develop physically helps in creating more responsive approaches to support this growth. Arnold Gesell’s theory is known as a maturational-developmental theory. In his study, Gesell observed and documented patterns in the way children develop. It revealed that all children go through similar and predictable sequences of development irrespective of the fact that they all go through these developmental stages at their own pace. He explains in his research that for children physical development is sequential. For instance, all young children go through the same age-norm physical developments such as rolling over, then crawling, to sitting up, followed by holding on while standing up, to eventually walking, then running, and so on. He believes these age-norm developments give a realistic understanding of how to monitor children's physical growth. To support this physical development and ensure children are developing normally and in a healthy way, there are many strategies to consider.
Strategies to help Families at and at home.
Eating Healthy
(Photo Credit:
Young children will eat almost anything provided to them, so it is important to provide the healthiest choices (Rose, 2022) and keep it simple. Maintaining a healthy eating pattern at home encourages the same in everyday life for children as healthy eating supports better nutrition, healthier behavior, and safer, smarter food choices among many other benefits.
Rose, J. (2022). Healthy Meals Together with Family.